Sourse @ Sephora

National Retail Launch

  • Sourse is a chocolate supplement company that is Co-Founded by Sarah Hyland. Sourse’s mission is to make wellness accessible, affordable, and achievable. Some of Sourse’s best-selling products are their beauty chocolates, Skin Glow Bites, and Hair Grow Bites. Sourse wants to partner with an established beauty retailer to expand their awareness and customer base, while bringing social verification to the Sourse brand.

  • The ingredients in the beauty chocolate SKUs, especially the skincare chocolates, are associated with topical products like lotions and face washes. We needed to educate a customer base that is already familiar with these ingredients on the increased benefits of ingesting them, rather than applying the ingredients topically. Sourse wanted an established industry partner to help us find this unique customer base to market to.

  • The partner choice became obvious: Sephora. Sourse partnered with Sephora to help pioneer the Sephora wellness category and bolster the social equity and expansion of the Sourse brand. After months of working with Sephora’s team, the Sourse creative team renamed the beauty products to be highly understandable, overhauled all packaging design to be optimized for the Sephora retail space, created numerous assets for, and launched an influencer gifting campaign for brand education.

    All of this hard work and rapid iteration netted Sourse a permanent placement at Sephora’s coveted Beauty on the Fly at checkout and placement on a transition corner style endcap at Beauty on the Fly for the national retail launch. 

    When conceiving the endcap design Sourse decided to highlight the brand’s celebrity co-founder, Sarah Hyland. We partnered with renowned fashion photographer Nico Kern to create imagery that would position Sourse as a beauty brand, rather than a typical supplement or wellness company.

    The project was an exciting as it expanded the rigid brand guidelines and applied them in a completely new environment. This is the beauty behind branding, sometimes the original visual structure does not apply directly to a new set of circumstances—creating opportunities for surprise, newness, and creativity in a brand’s external positioning. 

Behind the product.

Educational videos on Skin Glow Bites and Hair Grow Bites for Sephora online customers and Sephora Beauty Associates to learn about the Sourse products.

Behind the launch.

Our final endcap designs are not your average supplement brand aesthetic. We pushed to position ourselves as a beauty brand first. We accomplished bridging the world between beauty and wellness with graphic elements, skincare-style photography, and a thoughtful color palette.


